New Musculoskeletal Center Opens in Modesto
Aug 21, 2023
Sutter Health
MRI room at new Sutter Gould Medical Foundation Musculoskeletal Center

By Craig Baize and Liz Madison, Vitals contributors 

This summer, patients needing orthopedic care are getting a “leg up” thanks to a new Sutter Gould Medical Foundation Musculoskeletal Center located at the Briggsmore Specialty Center in Modesto.

The new center offers patients multiple benefits, including some of the latest technology and housing orthopedists and podiatrists under one roof.

Imaging is an essential component to orthopedic care, giving providers valuable insight into a patient’s condition or injury. Among the standout features of the center is cutting-edge MRI imaging. MRIs are especially powerful, allowing physicians to obtain intricately detailed and accurate images that can play a pivotal role in diagnosis and treatment. The new MRI system also features wide-bore technology, offering patients another advantage.

“Our newest MRI’s wide-bore design provides a more comfortable experience for our patients, addressing the discomfort that can be associated with traditional MRI equipment,” said Michael Proscia, director of imaging at SGMF. “This technological leap enhances our capacity to serve patients who previously had to seek imaging services elsewhere.”

Combining orthopedics and podiatry within the Musculoskeletal Center is a way to offer patients greater convenience. It also embodies SGMF’s commitment to holistic and coordinated patient care.

“By fostering collaboration between these two specialties, patients benefit from a comprehensive approach that harnesses the specialized expertise of both fields,” said Amber Campbell, operations executive for SGMF. “This center is the culmination of a long-standing aspiration of Gould Medical Group, enabling experts to align their skills and knowledge to offer the most effective treatment options available.”

Dr. Brandon Tullis, a Gould Medical Group podiatrist, expressed his personal enthusiasm for the collaborative possibilities.

“Our podiatry team eagerly embraces this center, as it enables us to foster deeper collaboration with our orthopedic counterparts,” he said. “This platform opens doors for expanded podiatric services, ultimately benefitting our patients.”

The Sutter Gould Medical Foundation Musculoskeletal Center opens in the same year that Gould Medical Group celebrates its 75-year legacy of providing care to Central Valley residents. The significance was not lost on Dr. Todd Smith, chief physician executive of Sutter Health. Dr. Smith, himself an orthopedic hand specialist with Gould Medical Group since 1997, reflected on how the leadership, innovation and continuous learnings of the group’s founders helped them arrive to this point.

“The Musculoskeletal Center stands as a testament to our dedication to elevating patient experiences and ensuring the highest standards of care,” he said.

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