Will Delta Derail the Reopening?

Will Delta Derail the Reopening?

The highly contagious delta variant shocked an already-reeling world with the speed at which it spread and became the dominant strain of COVID-19. After this latest twist in the pandemic story, it may feel overwhelming to try and separate fact from fiction. But...
Touchdown! Doctor Helps Lead NFL COVID Program

Touchdown! Doctor Helps Lead NFL COVID Program

Fans of professional football owe Navdeep Singh, M.D., former chief medical executive for Sutter’s Eden Medical Center and a team doctor for the Raiders for 10 years, a debt of gratitude for helping keep their favorite teams playing throughout the 2020 season—despite...
Parents Navigate Summer with Unvaccinated Kids

Parents Navigate Summer with Unvaccinated Kids

At last summer is here, bringing with it long school-less days and increased opportunities to gather with friends and family for picnics and playdates. Thanks to good COVID-19 vaccination rates and low virus spread in many communities across Northern California,...