How Hybrid Models in Healthcare Can Work

How Hybrid Models in Healthcare Can Work

As society inches its way out into a post-pandemic world, what “lessons learned” will stick? What habits will return like they never left? In some ways, society could be seen at a crossroads, but are industries and services in a place where they can forge their own...
Education Fuels Nurses Ahead in Career Path

Education Fuels Nurses Ahead in Career Path

The COVID-19 pandemic has yielded some unexpected revelations. For instance, nursing school applications are up across the U.S. Whether driven by the practical or the personal—or a bit of both—candidates are pursuing a high-demand career unique in its combination of...
Scout: A Lookout on Life’s Path for Young People

Scout: A Lookout on Life’s Path for Young People

Picture your average high school classroom. There might be 20 or so students wearing masks and sitting 6 feet apart—if they are even in a classroom and not on Zoom. Days of passing notes in class, meeting up for study groups or school dances and attending football...
Community Groups Address Vaccine Hesitancy

Community Groups Address Vaccine Hesitancy

  James Douglas, 66, of Sacramento, admits he is one of those most at-risk for COVID-19. The resident of Globe Mills, an affordable apartment complex for seniors, took precautions by limiting his outings and wearing masks. He acknowledges that still came at a...