Can COVID-19 Spur Change in Mental Health?

Can COVID-19 Spur Change in Mental Health?

Mystery still surrounds COVID-19. How will it impact the upcoming flu season? Will younger generations eventually experience more severe symptoms? COVID-19 has also brought attention to matters important to the here and now, like the broader need for mental health...
Lacing Up for Pandemic’s Mental Health Marathon

Lacing Up for Pandemic’s Mental Health Marathon

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging our mental health in ways we could have never predicted, and some people may feel they’re beginning to run on empty as far as ways to cope with all the change and loss. “Coping as a primary strategy no longer works. It’s time to...
Employees Rate Sutter High in Latest Forbes Poll

Employees Rate Sutter High in Latest Forbes Poll

Employees across Sutter Health hold the network in high regard, according to the latest list by Forbes. In its second annual ranking of America’s best employers by state, Sutter Health was listed as one of California’s top employers. “Sutter Health appreciates our...