Media Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply and Eligibility
Mar 18, 2021
Sutter Health
COVID-19 Vaccine Resources

Essential workers and those with certain health conditions now eligible.


Vaccine Supply Update
We’re happy to share some good news about COVID-19 vaccine supply. Sutter Health has received additional vaccine doses from the state and our local health partners. This has allowed us to reschedule nearly all first- and second-dose appointments that were previously affected by supply issues. We’re hopeful the vaccine supply will continue to improve, allowing us to open even more new, first-dose appointments. With adequate supply, the Sutter network has capacity to vaccinate more than 25,000 eligible patients each day.

Janssen/Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
Another piece of good news: The new vaccine from Janssen/J&J has been approved for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. We’re expecting to receive this vaccine in the near future, giving us another tool in the fight against COVID-19. We’re excited to have three highly effective and safe COVID-19 vaccines available in the U.S.

Here’s Who We’re Vaccinating
In accordance with state guidance, the following groups are now eligible for vaccination:

  • Patients age 65+.
  • Healthcare workers.
  • Essential workers in agriculture and food, education and childcare, emergency services, and public transit/airport and commercial airlines.
  • Individuals who reside or work in congregate residential settings, including those experiencing homelessness.
  • People age 16 to 64 with a medical condition or disability that puts them at high risk of severe COVID-19 infection. Note: patients in this group don’t need a verification letter. Learn more here.

Appointment Scheduling
For the latest vaccine and eligibility updates, check Sutter Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Resources webpage.

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