Nurse Leader Reflects on Nurses Week

Nurse Leader Reflects on Nurses Week

National Nurses Week honors nurses’ contributions and sacrifices and reminds us to thank these medical professionals who help keep us healthy. It is celebrated between May 6, National Nurses Day, and May 12, the birthdate of celebrated nurse Florence...
Read This Story! You’ll Be Grateful You Did

Read This Story! You’ll Be Grateful You Did

After reading this article, you’ll to want to thank us. Why? Because showing gratitude has many benefits for your mental health. As the nation kicks off May as Mental Health Awareness Month, Sutter Health in Northern California is focusing on how showing appreciation...
Heart Transplant Patient Beats Odds, Awards Hospital with Honor

Heart Transplant Patient Beats Odds, Awards Hospital with Honor

When Mick Doughty was put on the heart transplant list in 1994 at age 44, Sutter pioneering heart surgeon Dr. Paul Kelly said a new heart would extend Mick’s life by 10 years … 20 years at the most. “I told Dr. Kelly, ‘Oh, I’ve got to beat that,’ ” Doughty says with a...
New Center Offers Shelter, Community and Hope

New Center Offers Shelter, Community and Hope

Lonnie Ray has always enjoyed cooking. “Even while in the camp, I had my little stove. I used to work miracles with that thing,” he says. “I learned everything from [celebrity chef] Gordon Ramsay. I’ve watched every single episode of ‘Hell’s Kitchen.’” Ray was one of...