Robotic-Assisted Surgery Heals East Bay Grandma

Robotic-Assisted Surgery Heals East Bay Grandma

A Bay Area Milestone: Alta Bates Summit Medical Center is First to Perform 10,000 Robotic-Assisted Surgeries Gwen McCauley received a clean bill of health during her regular checkup in March. But just two weeks later, a racing heart and dizziness lead to a trip to the...
‘Miracle’ Baby Home After 183 Days in the NICU

‘Miracle’ Baby Home After 183 Days in the NICU

Paris Sweeney Austin is grateful for simple pleasures like taking her baby Seiori outside for a walk to feel the breeze and the warmth of the sun. It’s something the 29-year-old doesn’t take for granted after enduring six months during which her tiny newborn fought to...