Comparative Usability Study of a Newly Created Patient-Centered Tool and Plan Finder to Help Medicare Beneficiaries Choose Prescription Drug Plans
Mar 6, 2019
Sutter Health
Blocks that spell out MEDICARE

Stults CD, Fattahi S, Meehan A, Bundorf MK, Chan AS, Pun T, Tai-Seale M Journal of Patient Experience. 2019 Mar;6(1):81-86

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Introduction: In response to reported difficulties in selecting a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan, we designed a patient-centered online Part D plan selection tool (CHOICE1.0) to simplify the selection process and to provide personalized, expert recommendations.

Methods: This ethnographic comparative usability study observed 44 patients using the first version of the tool during Medicare 2016 Open Enrollment. Participants were observed as they chose their drug plan using and 1 of 3 versions of CHOICE1.0 that varied in amount of expert guidance. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze exit survey data. The observations were video-recorded, and field notes were analyzed thematically.

Results: Participants were significantly more satisfied with CHOICE1.0 for choosing a plan, understanding information, and ease of use compared to Those using expert versions of CHOICE1.0 were more likely to indicate their intention to switch plans than those using, though they wanted to know the source and content.

Conclusion: The more patient-centered prescription drug choice tool improved user experience and enabled users to choose plans more consistent with expert recommendations.

Keywords: Medicare Part D; medical decision making; mixed methods; patient-centered decision support; usability study.

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