Becker’s Healthcare recently interviewed Albert Chan, M.D., Sutter Health’s chief of digital patient experience, about the digital transformation across the healthcare industry and how Sutter’s teams have worked to expand telehealth capabilities in the face of COVID-19.

Dr. Albert Chan, Sutter’s chief of digital patient experience, was an early adopter of such innovations as Google Glass.
Its crowning achievement, he says: more than 1 million video visits completed by clinicians in just nine months after the pandemic hit the United States. The previous year, in 2019, Sutter clinicians conducted only 7,000 video visits. It was the collaboration between the front-line clinicians and behind-the-scenes staff that was one of the main reasons for the program’s success, he said, and Sutter expects video visits to be one of the positive outcomes from the pandemic in healthcare, especially for the Northern California healthcare network.
Read Dr. Chan’s answers to seven questions posed by Becker’s Healthcare by clicking here.