An Open Letter from Docs on COVID-19

An Open Letter from Docs on COVID-19

By: Warren Browner, M.D., MPH and Stephen Lockhart, M.D., PhD As physicians, we want you to know why we are so concerned about the novel coronavirus/COVID-19. Some of you may have heard that it’s a minor inconvenience, like a bad cold. So far, that’s true for the...
Practical Tips to Reduce Anxiety During Uncertain Times

Practical Tips to Reduce Anxiety During Uncertain Times

Times of uncertainty—like the global COVID-19 pandemic—can spike anxiety in many people. Lives are upended and routines are erased. Schools are closed. Loved ones 65 years and above are homebound. Employees are working from home exclusively. And more importantly, as...
Car Clinics: The Dual Benefit of Drive-Through Care

Car Clinics: The Dual Benefit of Drive-Through Care

Power cords, data cables and sanitation supplies topped Raymond Fellers long list. No, Fellers wasn’t preparing to isolate during the COVID-19 outbreak—quite the opposite—he was opening the first ever “car clinic” at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation’s San Carlos...
What is Social Distancing and Why is it Important?

What is Social Distancing and Why is it Important?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California Governor Gavin Newsom, echoing recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is calling for the state’s bars, wineries and nightclubs to close and for restaurants to observe social distancing to help curb...
Food Safety During COVID-19

Food Safety During COVID-19

Tips to keep you safe Many people are making trips to the grocery store or using food delivery services right now. So how do you know your food is virus-free when it gets to your doorstep?According to the USDA, “We are not aware of any reports at this time of human...
New Brain Device Ends One Man’s Epilepsy

New Brain Device Ends One Man’s Epilepsy

One man’s struggle with seizures is silenced thanks to a medical device implanted on his brain. Andy Fiannaca, a college student at the time, first discovered he had epilepsy when he woke up in an ambulance. His head was gouged and bleeding—the result of falling...