Faces of Vaccination: Stories of Motivation, Inspiration

Faces of Vaccination: Stories of Motivation, Inspiration

Vitals staffer Gary Zavoral contributed to this story. John Mertens commanded attention with his towering 6-foot-plus frame as he strolled into one of Sutter’s greater Sacramento area vaccine clinics. The 76-year-old retired computer analyst and Vietnam veteran was...
5 Ideas for Those ‘Out of Touch’ During the Pandemic

5 Ideas for Those ‘Out of Touch’ During the Pandemic

When was the last time you had a hug or felt the comforting touch of a loved one? Maybe it’s been months since you shook a colleague’s hand or gave a warm embrace to a friend. Physical distancing continues to be an important public health tool in slowing the spread of...
Video Honors Aptly Named ‘Year of the Nurse’

Video Honors Aptly Named ‘Year of the Nurse’

When the World Health Organization first designated 2020 as International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, nursing leaders everywhere saw an opportunity to honor one of the globe’s most trusted and valued professions. What they didn’t see coming was a pandemic that...
No Vaccine for This Virus, but Advances Have Saved Lives

No Vaccine for This Virus, but Advances Have Saved Lives

While COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out to the public less than a year after official reports of the novel coronavirus pandemic in the United States, there is still no vaccine for another deadly virus that reared its ugly head about 40 years ago, accounting for...
5 Tips for Easing Your Mind from COVID-19 Stress

5 Tips for Easing Your Mind from COVID-19 Stress

New developments emerge every day with the COVID-19 pandemic. After more than a year, the toll of these changes can have a cumulative effect and weigh on one’s mental health. How can someone stay present and mindful in stressful moments? 1. Get Back into Routines....
Doctors See Parallels Between Pandemics

Doctors See Parallels Between Pandemics

History provides important lessons for the present and future. The pandemic of 1918-19, called the “Spanish Flu” (which originated in the United States), is a good indicator of what we’re currently experiencing, says Gary Green, M.D., a California infectious disease...
Have COVID-19? Here’s When to Head to the ER

Have COVID-19? Here’s When to Head to the ER

So you or your loved one were diagnosed with COVID-19. You’re following doctor’s orders, isolating at home and taking precautions to protect other people from infection. But how do you know when it’s time to seek emergency medical attention for COVID-19, or time to...