Geriatric ER Helps Bring Quality Care to S.F. Seniors 

Geriatric ER Helps Bring Quality Care to S.F. Seniors 

One-size-care does not fit all, and that’s no more apparent than in the emergency room setting. Just like pediatric emergency departments are tailored to meet the needs of kids and babies, the same is true for seniors. “Older adults have special medical, social and...
NorCal Hospitals Help with National Blood Shortage

NorCal Hospitals Help with National Blood Shortage

The United States’ blood supply is dangerously low on all blood types. “Blood banks are hurting right now,” said Denise Sobiek, a head nurse at Vitalant, a national nonprofit that collects and provides blood products and services. Sobiek and Vitalant were at...
Omicron is the Dominant COVID Variant for Two Reasons

Omicron is the Dominant COVID Variant for Two Reasons

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has taken firm hold in the United States. Infectious disease specialist Dr. Gary Green explains why that is, plus how to help maximize your chances of staying healthy this winter. Omicron is highly transmissible The first case of...